Managing your stress during this time of COVID-19

The ability to manage stress is vital to your personal and professional success in life. Right now, with everything that is happening in the world, the ability to manage stress is vital to your survival during COVID-19.

Psychologists say that if you live a more balanced life, you will experience greater success in the long run.

Now, more than ever, it calls for living a balanced life. The various stresses that have come with this unexpected pandemic have left many professionals feeling off balance.

In an effort to help you regain your balance, here are some recommended techniques you can use to manage your stress during this time of COVID-19:

BREATHE: Take time throughout the day to do deep breathing exercises. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth several times a day. This process will help increase the oxygen in your blood. When oxygenated blood flows to your brain, it helps you feel calmer and less stressed.

EXERCISE: Exercise regularly to increase your energy and general sense of well-being. Whether you train with a Pilates video in your living room; lift weights on your core; join an aerobics class via Zoom; or taking a walk around your neighborhood, a regular exercise routine will help your mind and body feel better. Another good benefit of a regular exercise routine is that it will also help improve your self-esteem. A high level of self-esteem makes you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you feel like you can handle whatever comes your way. Get in the habit of exercising regularly during COVID-19.

ENJOY THE TIME OF THE SANCTUARY– Carve out time in your day and designate a special place in your home for sanctuary time. This will be the time for you and only you. Sanctuary time allows you to take moments for yourself. Spend your time in the sanctuary in a place that gives you a renewed sense of peace. Your sanctuary time may be first thing in the morning while you wash up in the bathroom; during the middle of the day while you meditate in your office; or later in the evening while relaxing in your living room. As long as you have private time to meditate, plan, and find peace, your sanctuary time can be whenever and wherever you choose. Commit to enjoying sanctuary time several times during the week.

VISIT WITH LOVED ONES: maintain your personal and professional relationships during this time. Although social distancing has become the norm, you can still connect with your family, friends, and colleagues. Sure, now you will use technology a lot more to connect with them. The goal is to spend time in conversation, laughter, and connection to keep your spirits up. Phone calls, text messages, face-to-face sessions, Zoom meetings, and virtual parties are all ways you can visit loved ones right now. Make a commitment to visit a loved one every week until this pandemic is over.

COVID-19 has brought with it many unexpected problems that have thrown the lives of many professionals out of balance. The imbalance is stressing professionals.

The four (4) stress management techniques outlined in this article are intended to help you bring your levels back into balance and eliminate sources of stress in your life.

Give them a try and let them work for you.

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