Title: The Hanuman Factor, Life Lessons from the Most Successful Spiritual Executive Director

Author: Anand Krishna, Ph.D

Publisher: Global Vision Press India (2011)

Second publication in August 2011

Number of pages: 206

“Nalikane Alengka diobong, diobong, diobong …” (Alengka was burned, burned, burned …). This popular song “Hanuman Obong” (Hanuman Burning) was composed by Ki Narto Sabdo (RIP). This song is very popular among Javanese, especially in rural Indonesia.

Hanuman’s mother named Anjani, a very beautiful angel from Khayangan (heaven). His father is the god of the wind. Hence, he was often called Bayu Putra (Son of the Wind God). When he was a baby, he had always swallowed the great sun. Why? because it looked like candy, her favorite snack. Also, with a single jump, the teenage Hanuman could fly across the wide ocean. This figure was also the only one to demolish the city of Alengka.

After reaching Alengka, Hanuman went directly to Argasoka Park. Then, he met Dewi Sinta by bringing Shri Rama’s ring. During this meeting, Sinta handed over her stab bun to symbolize that she remained faithful to her loving husband. After completing his secret mission, Hanuman deliberately had himself arrested by Dasamuka’s troops.

This intrusion incident so infuriated Rawana. He ordered Hanuman to be burned alive. But after his story caught fire, the son of the Wind God escaped and jumped. It burned down the entire Alengka palace. After causing much damage, Hanuman returned home with Shri Rama at Ayodya Palace.

In this Hanuman Factor book, Anand introduced Rama’s 8 Ambassador Skills. For example, Hanuman can Anima (shrinking as atom particles), Mahima (enlarging as a universe), Prapti (inhabiting many places at the same time), Prakamya (fulfilling all wishes) and Vasittva (controlling every situation) (pages 140 – 141).

From the point of view of advanced psychology, Hanuman’s ability can be scientifically interpreted. Anima is an ability to let go of stress and depression. In the form of cathartic therapy. As a result, the body feels as light as cotton and we feel so calm.

Also, Prapti is analogous to reading a book. Like the ability to understand the current development in the world. In English, BOOK is the abbreviation for Broad Ocean Of Knowledge.

This book also featured a unique diagram. Criticizing the form of human thought today. The first is kama or desire. Second is the art, not just worldly possessions, but the intrinsic meaning of life. Third, the dharma or virtue to defend the truth. The fourth is moksha or freedom (pages 26-27).

Ironically, humans tend to synthesize arta with kama. Although both are linear. As a result, our only desire to collect treasure became an idol.

Similarly, we put together dharma and moksha. Doing good only to take conspiracies in heaven and avoid punishment in hell. Our relationship with God became so transactional. Like a donkey, he walks attracted by carrots and threatened by a stick.

Hanuman offered an alternative solution. People must cross the diagram diagonally. Choose the only desire to obtain true freedom. Then collect treasures to share with oppressed people. Life is wonderful while we share with the neighbor next door.

Unfortunately, many motivational speakers weaken the soul and kill the spirit it takes to meet life’s challenges. People begin to believe in external factors to motivate themselves and rely on borrowed knowledge.

This book is not about that external motivation, but about tapping the source of all wisdom and all strength within us. This font is powerful enough to motivate us to undertake any task, no matter how difficult and challenging it is. Because, this source derives its strength from the Unlimited and the Infinite, the One Divine Force.

This same source is the Hanuman Factor within all of us. Take advantage now, be more courageous and daring. Be stronger and wiser. And above all, be courageous in facing life’s challenges.

This book is an instrument to realize the existence of our source of life. By learning from Hanuman, you can motivate yourself to complete your mission entrusted by Shri Rama. Although that was very difficult, he did not back down from any challenge. Since, the Divine Source is within all of us.

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