Laser treatment for spider veins and visible threads on the face

We all want beautiful skin, but sometimes that’s not easy. It takes a long time to maintain a flawless complexion, and working hard to have clean, healthy, clear skin will ultimately give you a lot more confidence, but it’s worth the effort. Redness on the face, especially around the nose and cheeks, is a common problem that affects men and women of all ages.

Facial thread veins, sometimes called spider veins, can sometimes be caused by sun exposure, smoking, excess alcohol, sometimes people have a family predisposition, but mostly they are something that happens due to aging process. Many people suffer from these red or purple blood vessels that show up on the face, they can appear as spots, small veins or a complex network of veins, but in reality these blood vessels are not veins, but rather permanently dilated and broken capillaries and because they are located near the surface of the skin, they are highly visible.

Many things can cause thread veins:

  • Genetics
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • tuxedo
  • Sun exposure

There are things you can do to reduce or eliminate spider veins on your face, and one treatment is a laser procedure, which is a simple, safe, and quick way to remove them. The laser treatment lasts between fifteen and thirty minutes, depending on the size of the area that needs to be treated. A laser is applied to the skin directly over the spider veins and the laser energy is preferentially absorbed by the colored tissues. The laser energy causes the spider veins to first heat up and then collapse. After treatment, the body will slowly reabsorb the veins.

Most clients feel only minimal discomfort, perhaps some tingling or burning sensation, but a topical numbing cream can be easily applied if needed. Treated skin may be slightly tender for a few days after treatment, but most people do not need any recovery time and can return to normal activities immediately after treatment. Spider veins will look better after just one treatment, although in some cases, it may take more than one session to get lasting results and completely remove them. Most people will need two or three courses of treatment, scheduled a month apart.

With the latest laser techniques, the removal of spider veins or thread veins is almost painless. It is advisable to apply a lot of moisturizer afterward, and the application of sunscreen is essential to protect the skin after treatment.

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