Have you ever stood naked in front of the mirror and critically appraised your body? If so, most of you will have an area or areas that you are not satisfied with. Whether you are overweight or not, there will always be a part of your body that is not perfect. Most of us are quite lazy when it comes to diet and exercise, and with the invention of spandex, abs and glutes can be controlled quite well. However, when it comes to weapons, this can be a bit more difficult.

So when looking at your arms:

Are you having trouble with any of the following?

  • Extra fur hanging under arms and flapping
  • Fat, bulging arms that lack tone and definition.
  • Sagging skin around the arms as a result of weight loss.
  • Arms that appear flabby and droopy
  • You are embarrassed to wear sleeveless tops or dresses.

Do you find yourself doing any of the following?

  • Avoid wearing anything that does not have sleeves.
  • Covering your arms with long-sleeved clothing even in hot weather
  • Do not wave your arms so that no one can see you “move”

Have you tried and failed to get rid of sagging skin and flabby, oily arms using any of the following methods?

  • Dieting and restricting calories.
  • Fitness and aerobics classes
  • Arm exercises
  • Walking or jogging
  • Home exercise DVD
  • Lotions and potions

If you’ve answered yes to more than 3 of the questions above, then it’s really time to start doing something about it. It is only through a consistent program of exercise and healthy eating that you can begin to address problem areas. First of all, you need to watch the fat burning and not count the calories. You can do this by starting a strength training program that will begin to burn fat, build muscle, and strengthen bones all at the same time.

Specific exercises you can do for your arms include push-ups, bicep curls, and tricep dips. Depending on your circumstances, you can go to a gym or work from home. If you choose to work from home, you don’t need expensive equipment. To start you only need a pair of dumbbells or even cheaper are water bottles or full jugs. It only takes 30-90 minutes a week to start seeing results – beautifully toned and defined arms.

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