Common sleep problems and remedies

More than 70 million Americans suffer from a variety of sleep disorders. The condition of sleep disorders is very complex and ranges from mild to extremely severe forms. There are many underlying causes of insomnia. There are also many ways to get help for your insomnia condition.

Types of insomnia: According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, there are 11 types of sleep disorders. What they all have in common is poor quality of sleep. Some originate from the body. Hypersomnia it is characterized by a feeling of continuous drowsiness throughout the day. People will feel the need to nap frequently. They will also sleep long hours at night, but will still have little energy in the morning. This disorder can last from several months to a year. There is also a recurring form that can appear suddenly at different times in a person’s life. Narcolepsy It is a very serious disorder that can include a condition known as “cataplexy” in which the muscles of the body suddenly weaken. Narcolepsy can cause a person to actually be asleep while continuing a behavior as if they were fully awake. This is known as “automatic behavior”. Clearly, narcolepsy poses a danger to both the patient and others if, for example, the individual is driving when this episode occurs. Restless leg syndrome: This involves involuntary movement of the legs during sleep and during waking hours. Sleep apnea: This disorder involves intermittent breathing in which a person may stop breathing for a few seconds. It can be mild or severe. Obesity is often a causative factor for sleep apnea.

External factors that cause sleep disorders: Medication and stimulant use: Sleep disorders are often caused by the use of various stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine. Some prescription drugs can also disturb your sleep. Not getting enough sleep – This is the most common and easily correctable cause. Many people simply don’t get enough sleep due to their busy lifestyles. Bad sleeping environment: Often times, people cannot sleep well because they sleep in an environment that is not conducive to sleep. For example, there may be too much noise and light for a good night’s sleep. Again, these are factors that should be easily corrected so that you can return to a normal sleep pattern.

There is a third group of sleep disorders that are characterized by abnormal rhythm patterns. Jet lag is an example of this. When you are jetlagged, the change in time zones affects your perceptions of the actual time. This is a change of rhythm and the body takes time to readjust to its normal rhythmic patterns. Symptoms of jet lag can include confusion and extreme fatigue. It usually goes away after a few days. Shift work disorder: This is the result of being forced to adapt to unnatural sleep patterns. It often affects people who work night shifts. These sleep patterns can return to normal when the person returns to their normal sleep schedules.

Adequate amounts of sleep – This depends on your particular body chemistry. For most people, seven to nine hours is best. There are some people who do better for six hours a night. You can also sleep too much, which can have the same effects as sleeping too little.

Consequences of insufficient sleep: If you don’t get enough sleep over a period of time, it can definitely have effects on your overall health. It can affect you both physically and emotionally. It can affect your brain chemistry and your mood. It can cause anxiety and depression. You can also be more prone to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. And, of course, you increase your risk of accident-related consequences if you are not alert enough. If you get enough sleep, you will feel refreshed and focused when you wake up. If not, you will often feel sleepy and moody.

Things You Can Do: Of course, you should see your medical provider if you suffer from any prolonged or constant form of sleep deprivation. Your doctor will be able to properly diagnose and treat you for the condition. Other than that, there are several lifestyle and diet changes you can make to help you develop more restful and healthy sleep patterns. You need to make sure that your sleeping environment is calm, quiet, and dark. All of these are necessary factors for a deep and restful sleep.

Remove multimedia devices from your bedroom and invest in curtains or drapes that obscure the light. Do not engage in any exercise or physical exertion for at least 3 hours before going to bed. Avoid drinking too much fluids a few hours before bedtime. Do relaxing activities like a warm shower or a relaxing cup of herbal tea. You can learn to use positive relaxation techniques, such as guided imagery. This involves relaxing your mind and imagining peaceful, calm images that will help you relax and fall asleep. Get some sunlight every day, as this helps your body properly set your sleep cycle. Remember that before making any diet or lifestyle changes, always check with your healthcare provider, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking prescription medications.

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