Another approach to get relief from hard pellet stools: enemas and colon hydrotherapy

After enduring the discomfort of hard stools and after trying a variety of laxatives to no avail, the next step many take is the use of enemas and colon hydrotherapy. These methods introduce fluid into the lower intestine to make it easier to pass stool.

To conserve water in the body, the main function of the colon is to reabsorb water. One of the main causes of common chronic constipation is insufficient hydration and insufficient fiber intake. Insufficient fluids in the diet shift the water balance out of the colon. Both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber return water to the colon.

Both enemas and colon hydrotherapy move water into the colon. They act on different parts of the colon.

Enemas quickly relieve hard, dry stools

Enemas are over-the-counter treatments readily available at local drug stores. DIY kits are also for sale so you can create your own enema solution yourself.

One of the easiest to use, found at your local pharmacy, comes in an easy-to-squeeze bottle with a comfortable tip. Just follow the instructions, and within 1 to 5 minutes, a bowel movement should occur.

Commercial preparations use saline solutions with or without mineral oil. Saline solutions draw water into the colon. Mineral solutions have the added benefit of inhibiting the movement of water out of the stool. They do this because mineral oil coats the intestinal contents.

Other kits for home use require a more complicated setup. A bag for the solution, tubing, nozzles, as well as an IV stand are required for it to work. The benefit of the extra effort is a choice of solutions.

Colon Hydrotherapy – Total Colon Health provides overall health to the body

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation or high colonic irrigation, is an advance on the idea of ​​an enema. The purpose of a colonic is bowel cleansing, not just as a treatment for constipation. Warm distilled water is gently infused throughout the colon. This softens and loosens the stool. In addition, the infusion of water promotes peristalsis (contractions of the muscles of the colon) to eliminate waste.

A specially trained therapist is required to assist in this process. A session lasts about 45 minutes. The procedure is performed under hygienic conditions. There are no bad smells.

While there are drawbacks to any method of relieving constipation and hard, dry, granular stools, these methods are not for everyone. Carefully read the label of any preparation and the literature on the method. Check with your doctor.

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